There we have it—New Zealand’s political scene just got a serious makeover! The National Party has clinched a deal, introducing a brand-new three-party squad to tackle everything from Indigenous rights to tax tweaks and bank biz. Yep, you guessed it—the three wise men are on the case, fingers crossed for some solid decisions, right?

Rest assured, as the tax changes come into play, we’ll keep you updated every step of the way.

Old New
Income Tax Income Tax
Current rates Current
National’s brackets National’s
Earnings up to $14,000 10.5% Earnings up to $15,600 10.5%
From $14k to $48k 17.5% From $15.6k to $53.5k 17.5%
From $48k to $70k 30% From $53.5k to $78.1k 30%
From $70k to $180k 33% From $78.1k to $180k 33%
$180k+ 39% $180k+ 39%
Tenancy Law Tenancy Law
Landlords are not allowed to require an
extra bond payment from tenants with
Allow landlords to require an extra bond
payment from tenants with pets,
encouraging landlords to allow pets
Landlords can only end a periodic
tenancy if they have a good reason for
Allow landlords to issue a 90 day
notice to a tenant to end a periodic
tenancy without providing a reason
or applying to the Tenancy Tribunal.


Return tenants’ notice period is
currently at 28 days and landlords currently at 90
if they want to move or sell
Return tenants’ notice period to 21
days and landlords’ to 42 if the tenant
wished to move or landlord wished to
sell a property.
Phase Interest Deductibility Restore Interest Deductibility
Mortgage interest deductibility is
phased for rental properties with a:

50% deduction in 2023/24

25% in 2024/25

0% in 2025/26

and beyond.

Restore and increase the speed
at which mortgage interest deductibility is restored
for rental properties with a:

60% deduction in 2023/24

80% in 2024/25

100% in 2025/26.



In 2021, the bright-line test was
extended from 5 to 10 years.
Take the bright-line test back to
2 years
90 day trial with requirements Expand 90-day trials to apply to
all businesses
Small employers can trial new hires for
90 days. Prior employees can’t be on a
trial. Visa-specific hires must consider
immigration rules on trials.
The Fair Pay Agreement regime,
which supports collective
bargaining, will be gone by

Implementation dates: To be advised when the government has announced definite dates.

In the meantime, if you have any questions please contact us.